lunedì 6 dicembre 2010

Lamborghini Estoque

Lamborghini doesn’t usually build a concept car without it getting put to some kind of use in the future. It’s never happened, and we’ll place bets on the fact that it won’t ever happen. Try as they may to deny the fact that the Estoque would not see the production line, this concept vehicle stood a fantastic chance at becoming the third model in Lamborghini’s line-up.

To prove our theory, we bring you this. In a recent statement Chairman and CEO Stephan Winkelmann confirmed that the company is indeed preparing a third model, and that this new model is not an SUV as people have speculated, but a four-door luxury sedan.

"We have opportunities outside the supercar business, and we showed that with Estoque. It had a more enthusiastic response than we had expected. It was the right time to see if the brand could go outside of supercars. Even now, people are still emailing me about us making the Estoque."

And if the strong demand for a production version of the Estoque doesn’t make them actually build it, the recent success the company has been having on the Chinese market may just give Lamborghini the final push they need, especially since luxury four-door sedans are in high demand over there.

Hit the jump to read more about the production version Lamborghini Estoque.

Lamborghini Estoque originally appeared on on Friday, 3 December 2010 21:00 EST.

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Derek Bell Stefan Bellof Paul Belmondo Tom Belso JeanPierre Beltoise

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